Thursday, May 25, 2017

Memorial Day Party Plumbing Mistakes

Memorial Day marks the start of summer here in the northeast and we want to help you get your plumbing ready. Anytime you have a party, especially one where people will be drinking, your plumbing is going to take an extra hit. If you have taken all of the proper precautions, it is more than likely going to hold up just fine, but you MUST avoid these harmful mistakes»

One Bathroom Only
For whatever reason, a lot of people traditionally will only open one bathroom up to guests when they have parties. This has always confused our plumbers. Sending 20 people into one bathroom that is used to servicing 3-5 people per day is not exactly a recipe for success. The toilet can be thrown off and the flushing mechanics are easy to fix, but they could cause inconveniences during a party. Have a plunger on hand and we recommend opening up your second bathroom to help relieve some pressure.

Reckless With the Drain
After the Memorial Day BBQ is complete, there will be plenty of dishes to clean and we have some advice for you people! Your sink is not a garbage can, and treating it like one is going to leave you calling Empire Sewer & Water sooner than you’d like. Make sure you scrape your plates and don’t let the following items make their way into your drain»

  • Egg Shells
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Oil/Grease
  • Cheese
  • Fibrous Foods

Flushing Wipes
Regardless of the packaging, NO wipes are actually flushable. If you’d like to test it out, try using the following experiment»

  • Take two large Tupperware bowls and fill them halfway with water.
  • Place a piece of toilet paper in one and a ‘flushable’ wipe in the other.
  • Let them sit for 15 minutes and then come back to check on them.
  • You’ll come back to the toilet paper being disintegrated and the wipe being battered, but not broken.
  • No wipes are flushable!

We hope all of our staff and customers have an amazing holiday weekend! We are doing the anti-rain dance right along with you and if any problems should arise, we will be on the go making sure the party stays alive.

To schedule emergency plumbing service, call Empire Sewer & Water at 718-715-4763 or click around on our website!

The post Memorial Day Party Plumbing Mistakes appeared first on Empire Sewer and Water.

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