Thursday, June 22, 2017

Water Conservation Tips to Kick Off Summer

The Summer is lawn care and pool season which means a lot of excessive water use. We want you to enjoy your Summer, but that also means sacrifices have to be made elsewhere. The kitchen and bathroom is a great place to start, and these simple tips are free of charge. Thank us by choosing Empire for your future plumbing repairs»

At the Sink

  • When you’re brushing your teeth fill a cup with rinse water. This will limit the amount of water you waste by leaving the faucet on.
  • You should try installing low-flow aerators. These are like filters for your faucet that save about 1.5 gallons per minute of use.
  • You can use up to 20 gallons of water per day if you neglect a leaky faucet! Call Empire Sewer & Water today.

In the Shower

  • Brushing your teeth in the shower is actually a HUGE water and time saver. On average, people tend to spend an extra 90-120 seconds in the shower just to relax. You should at least make use of this time brushing!
  • It will keep your sink from staining as well ^^^^
  • Remember when we talked about those faucet aerators? They have them for showerheads as well and they can save up to 5 gallons per minute.
  • They even make showerheads that come with them pre-installed!
  • Use a radio and only stay in the shower for TWO songs. This is a sufficient amount of time to clean off and get a little relaxation.


  • Flushing water is your home’s biggest water hog. A typical flush will use anywhere between 5-7 gallons of water.
  • Installing a WaterSense model will cut water usage down to 1.5 gallons per flush which is huge for water bills!
  • Put a plastic bottle with NO cap in the tank to limit the amount of water used per flush.
  • To check for leaks, put dye in the tank and wait several minutes. If the dyed water makes its way into the bowl that means you have a leak. Call Empire immediately!
  • The ONLY thing you should ever flush is toilet paper!

New York City and Long Island move at a different speed than the rest of the country and so does our plumbing. We need repairs fast and at Empire Sewer & Water, we know exactly what you need from us. Quick and effective repairs are just a phone call away!

To schedule service, call 718-715-4763 or click around on our website!

The post Water Conservation Tips to Kick Off Summer appeared first on Empire Sewer and Water.

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