Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Dangers of Overwatering Your Plants

Is your garden Summer time fine? If not, it could be because you are actually OVERWATERING your plants. Experts say that it is just as dangerous and it’s also wasteful for your plumbing and sewer systems. Here is what you need to know about the dangers of overwatering»

Signs You Are Overwatering
When a plant dies, it can be difficult to determine whether or not that plant died due to under or overwatering. Typically, an underwatered plant will have leaves that appear to be falling or shriveling up. An overwatered plant will have:

  • Moist soil
  • Pale or yellow leaves
  • Soft leaves
  • Leaves starting to droop

The Proper Routine
Just like humans, plants are not all made the same. The amount of water they need is determined by the species of the plant and the conditions in which they live. For example, an indoor orchid will need far less water than an outdoor hibiscus. Your routine needs to coincide with the special accommodations of that particular plant. Try these steps when you are deciding to water or not water:

  • Place some light pressure on the soil. If it’s still moist, the plant does not need more water.
  • If the plant is sitting low in the pot or ground, raise it so the roots can dry out.
  • Freshen up the soil in the middle of Summer to ensure a clear passageway for water to the roots.
  • If a plant is drying out, move it out of direct sunlight and vice versa if you’ve overwatered.  

Outdoor Plumbing Repairs
A sewer leak or break can mean trouble for your garden plants. For starters, the possible chemicals that could be in the sewage might kill your plants rather quickly. Also, if you’re not getting in touch with Empire Sewer & Water, you’ll probably have to use traditional sewer cleaning methods to repair your sewer. This means costly excavation that could ruin your current landscaping situation. If you want to use the cleaner, trenchless method, we are the team for you!

Now that your garden is going to be in tip-top shape, we want to make sure it stays that way. A sewer line repair could mean the end even if you’ve watered perfectly, so make sure you choose the team that loves your garden.

For clean and easy sewer repairs, call Empire Sewer & Water at 718-715-4763 or click around on our website!

The post The Dangers of Overwatering Your Plants appeared first on Empire Sewer and Water.


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