Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tips for Bathing Your Dirty Dog

Here at Empire Sewer & Water, we fix bathtubs and any plumbing fixtures that might be causing you issues. When it comes to the bathtub, we understand that it isn’t just your human family that is using it. Your canine lovers need to wash off too and they are certainly a little more high maintenance than you or your children. Here is what you need to know about bathing your dog»

The Power of Encouragement
This is a classic training method that should be used to get your dog to do whatever you want him/her to do. You need them to associate the bath with something they like– a treat for example. Have them get in a tub with only a little bit of water to start. Every time they get in the bath, give them a treat or a belly rub, whichever they prefer. This will let them know that you appreciate them physically getting into the bath tub.

Protect His/Her Ears
When water gets in the ear of a human being, we have filtration systems that can help prevent water damage and ear infections. They don’t always work, but at least they are there. For a dog, their floppy ears are the only things they have to protect themselves when it comes to water damage. If your dog lets you handle them without a fuss, see if they’ll let you put in earplugs before a bath.

Use the Right Shampoo
You want to consult your vet before buying a shampoo for your particular breed of dog. If you get the wrong shampoos, it could cause your dog’s skin to dry out lead to itchiness. The right shampoo is VERY important for your dog.

Drying Is Crucial
Blow drying your dog with cool air is better than hot. One, they’ll be more comfortable and likely let you work with them without a fight. And two, the hot air can burn their sensitive skin if it is kept too close and consistently on one area. Try mixing in hot and cold air to see what your dog prefers.

If your dog happens to get some of that excess hair in the drain, our technicians would love to come take care of that for you. If you live in Queens, Brooklyn or the Bronx, we are YOUR drain cleaning service. Choose EMPIRE today!

To schedule drain cleaning service, call us at 718-715-4763 or click around on our website!  

The post Tips for Bathing Your Dirty Dog appeared first on Empire Sewer and Water.


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